Boost Your Cannabis Growth with Homemade Fertilizer: A Step-by-Step Guide - The Johnny Seeds Bank Skip to main content
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Importance of Proper Nutrition for Cannabis Growth

Hey there, fellow cannabis enthusiasts! Growing your own cannabis plants can be a rewarding experience, but it’s crucial to provide them with proper nutrition. Just like any other plant, cannabis needs specific nutrients to thrive and produce those amazing buds we all love.

Benefits of Homemade Fertilizer

Now, you might be wondering why you should bother making your own fertilizer. Well, there are some pretty sweet benefits to it:

  • Cost-effective: Store-bought fertilizers can be pricey, but making your own can save you some serious cash.
  • Environmentally friendly: Commercial fertilizers can contain chemicals that harm the environment, but with homemade options, you know exactly what’s going into your plants and the earth.
  • Customized for your plants’ needs: Every cannabis strain is different, and by creating your own fertilizer, you can tailor it to the specific needs of your plants, ensuring they get the nutrients they need to flourish.

So, are you ready to boost your cannabis growth with homemade fertilizer? Let’s dive into this step-by-step guide and get your plants thriving!

I. Understanding Cannabis Plant Nutrient Requirements


First up, let’s talk about macronutrients. These are the big three nutrients your cannabis plants need in larger quantities:

  • Nitrogen (N): Nitrogen is essential for photosynthesis and overall plant growth. It’s particularly important during the vegetative stage when your cannabis plants are putting on all that lush green foliage.
  • Phosphorus (P): Phosphorus is a crucial nutrient for root development and flowering. It helps your cannabis plants produce those big, beautiful buds we’re all after.
  • Potassium (K): Potassium is vital for overall plant health, helping with water and nutrient uptake, as well as resistance to pests and diseases. It’s essential for both vegetative growth and flowering.


In addition to macronutrients, cannabis plants also require smaller amounts of various micronutrients. Don’t underestimate their importance, though – these little guys are still essential for plant health and growth:

  • Calcium: Calcium helps build strong cell walls and supports overall plant structure, making sure your cannabis plants can stand tall and proud.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium plays a vital role in photosynthesis and is necessary for the production of chlorophyll. It also helps with nutrient uptake and overall plant health.
  • Iron: Iron is necessary for chlorophyll production and plays a role in various enzyme functions within the plant.
  • Others: Other essential micronutrients include copper, zinc, manganese, boron, and molybdenum. Each of these has specific functions and is required in small amounts for healthy cannabis growth.

Now that we know what nutrients our cannabis plants need, let’s move on to creating that perfect homemade fertilizer!

II. Gathering Materials for Homemade Fertilizer

Organic Materials

To create your homemade fertilizer, you’ll need some organic materials packed with nutrients for your cannabis plants. Here are some excellent choices:

  • Coffee grounds: Rich in nitrogen, coffee grounds are perfect for boosting foliage growth during the vegetative stage. Plus, they’re easy to come by – just ask your local coffee shop!
  • Banana peels: Bananas are a great source of potassium, which is essential for overall plant health. Chop up those peels and add them to your compost pile.
  • Eggshells: Crushed eggshells provide a fantastic source of calcium, essential for strong cell walls and overall plant structure.
  • Seaweed or kelp: If you live near the coast, seaweed or kelp can be a valuable source of micronutrients for your cannabis plants. Just make sure to rinse off any salt before adding it to your compost.


Now that you’ve got your organic materials, you’ll need some tools to turn them into nutrient-rich compost:

  • Compost bin or pile: Choose a container or designated area for your compost. This can be as simple as a pile on the ground or a store-bought compost bin.
  • Gloves: Protect your hands and keep them clean with a pair of gardening gloves.
  • Trowel: A trowel is useful for turning and mixing your compost, as well as applying it to your cannabis plants later on.

Alright, now that you’ve gathered your materials and tools, it’s time to start making some homemade fertilizer!

III. Creating the Fertilizer

Step 1: Combine Organic Materials in Compost Bin or Pile

Ready to get started? First, combine all your organic materials in your compost bin or pile. Make sure to mix them well to ensure an even distribution of nutrients. Remember, diversity is key – a mix of different materials will provide a well-rounded nutrient profile for your cannabis plants.

Step 2: Turn and Mix Compost Regularly

Composting is an active process that requires regular attention. Use your trowel to turn and mix the compost every few days. This helps aerate the mixture, which is essential for the decomposition process. Plus, it ensures all those lovely nutrients are well distributed throughout the compost.

Step 3: Monitor Compost Temperature and Moisture

Keep an eye on your compost’s temperature and moisture levels. A healthy compost pile should be warm to the touch, but not too hot. If it’s too cold, try adding more nitrogen-rich materials like coffee grounds or grass clippings. As for moisture, aim for a damp, sponge-like consistency. If it’s too wet, add more carbon-rich materials like leaves or straw. Too dry? Just add some water.

Step 4: Harvest Finished Compost

Patience is a virtue, especially when it comes to composting. It can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months for your compost to be ready. You’ll know it’s done when it’s dark, crumbly, and has a rich, earthy smell. Once it’s reached this stage, congratulations – you’ve got some homemade fertilizer ready for your cannabis plants!

Now that you’ve got your nutrient-rich compost, let’s talk about how to apply it to your cannabis plants for maximum growth.

IV. Applying Homemade Fertilizer to Cannabis Plants

Timing and Frequency of Application

When it comes to applying your homemade fertilizer, timing is crucial. During the vegetative stage, your cannabis plants need more nitrogen, so apply a nitrogen-rich compost mix every 2-4 weeks. As your plants transition into the flowering stage, they’ll need more phosphorus and potassium, so switch to a compost mix that’s richer in these nutrients. Continue applying this mix every 2-4 weeks until a few weeks before harvest, when you’ll want to taper off to avoid affecting the taste and quality of your buds.

Top Dressing or Mixing into Soil

There are a couple of methods for applying your homemade fertilizer to your cannabis plants – top dressing and mixing into the soil. Top dressing involves simply spreading a layer of compost around the base of your plants, while mixing into the soil involves incorporating the compost into the top few inches of soil around your plants. Both methods work well, so choose the one that suits your preferences and gardening style.

Watering and Nutrient Absorption

Water plays a crucial role in helping your cannabis plants absorb the nutrients from your homemade fertilizer. When you water your plants, the nutrients in the compost dissolve and are taken up by the plant’s roots. Be sure to water your cannabis plants deeply and consistently, ensuring the compost stays moist but not waterlogged. This will help maximize nutrient absorption and keep your plants happy and healthy.

Now that you know how to apply your homemade fertilizer, let’s discuss some common issues you might encounter and how to troubleshoot them.

V. Troubleshooting Common Issues with Homemade Fertilizers

Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms

Even with the best homemade fertilizer, nutrient deficiencies can still occur. Keep an eye out for telltale signs like yellowing leaves, stunted growth, or poor bud development. If you spot any of these symptoms, it’s time to adjust your compost mix to provide the missing nutrients. For example, if you notice a nitrogen deficiency, try adding more nitrogen-rich materials like coffee grounds to your compost.

Nutrient Burn or Over-fertilization

While providing your cannabis plants with plenty of nutrients is essential, too much of a good thing can be harmful. Over-fertilization or nutrient burn can cause leaf tips to turn brown and curl, and in severe cases, it can even kill your plants. To avoid this issue, be careful not to apply too much compost, and always monitor your plants for signs of nutrient burn. If you suspect over-fertilization, flush your plants with water to help remove excess nutrients from the soil.

Adjusting Fertilizer Content Based on Plant Needs

Every cannabis strain is different, and your homemade fertilizer should be tailored to meet the specific needs of your plants. As your plants grow and develop, their nutrient requirements will change, and so should your fertilizer. Pay attention to the growth stage and specific needs of your cannabis plants, and adjust your compost mix accordingly to provide the necessary nutrients. By staying in tune with your plants’ needs, you’ll ensure they receive the optimal nutrition for strong, healthy growth.

Armed with your homemade fertilizer and knowledge of how to troubleshoot any issues, you’re well on your way to boosting your cannabis growth and enjoying the fruits of your labor. Happy growing!

VI. Conclusion

By creating your own homemade fertilizer, you’re not only saving money but also providing your cannabis plants with a customized, nutrient-rich solution that’s environmentally friendly. Your plants will thank you with lush growth, bountiful buds, and a healthier overall appearance.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different organic materials and compost mixes to find the perfect blend for your cannabis plants’ needs. Every strain is unique, and tailoring your homemade fertilizer to suit your plants will yield the best results. Keep learning, refining your techniques, and sharing your knowledge with fellow growers.

We’d love to hear about your experiences with homemade fertilizers and how they’ve boosted your cannabis growth. Share your success stories, tips, and tricks with our community of cannabis enthusiasts here at Original Johnny Ganja. Together, we can continue to learn, grow, and enjoy the many benefits of cannabis cultivation.

Ready to take your cannabis growing game to the next level? Check out our selection of high-quality seeds and expert advice at Original Johnny Ganja. Join our community and start growing the best cannabis plants you’ve ever seen!


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