Experience Premium Quality with Autoflower Seeds - The Johnny Seeds Bank Skip to main content


Autoflower seeds

Introducing Original Johnny Seed Bank

Original Johnny Seed Bank, known as JG Seeds, is the ultimate destination for cannabis enthusiasts seeking high-quality autoflower seeds.

Premium quality autoflower seeds

JG Seeds offers an extensive selection of premium autoflower seeds, ensuring a successful and satisfying growing experience for home growers.

Benefits of choosing JG Seeds

By choosing JG Seeds, customers enjoy benefits such as top-tier seed quality, diverse strain variety, and exceptional customer service, making it the go-to choice for cannabis enthusiasts.

What Are Autoflower Seeds?

Autoflower seeds, a game-changer in the world of cannabis cultivation, are a unique type of cannabis seed that can automatically switch from the vegetative stage to the flowering stage without the need for a change in light cycle. This remarkable trait, which is the result of ruderalis genetics, sets autoflower seeds apart from the more common photoperiod cannabis seeds.

One of the key features of autoflower seeds is their ability to flower automatically, regardless of the light conditions. This makes them ideal for novice growers and those with limited space, as they require less maintenance and can be grown in various environments. Furthermore, their ruderalis genetics contribute to several other advantages, such as faster harvest times, smaller plant size, and increased resistance to pests and diseases.

In summary, autoflower seeds offer a convenient and efficient option for cannabis growers, especially those new to the practice. Their unique features, made possible by ruderalis genetics, provide an accessible and versatile alternative to traditional photoperiod seeds, allowing growers to achieve high-quality yields with minimal effort.

What Makes Autoflower Seeds Unique?

Autoflower seeds possess several unique characteristics that set them apart from traditional cannabis seeds. These distinct features make autoflower seeds an attractive option for both novice and experienced growers alike. Let’s explore what makes autoflower seeds stand out.

Smaller Size and Discrete Growth

One notable feature of autoflower seeds is their smaller size compared to other cannabis plants. The compact and bushy nature of these plants makes them ideal for discreet growth, fitting in tight spaces both indoors and outdoors. This discreetness allows growers to cultivate their plants with minimal risk of attracting unwanted attention.

Faster Harvests

Autoflower seeds have a shorter growth cycle than their non-autoflowering counterparts. They typically reach full maturity within 8 to 10 weeks, allowing growers to harvest their plants more quickly than with traditional cannabis seeds. This accelerated growth rate enables multiple harvests in a single growing season, providing a continuous supply of cannabis.

Less Light Dependency

Unlike traditional cannabis plants that require specific light schedules to transition between the vegetative and flowering stages, autoflower plants do not rely on photoperiods. Instead, they switch to the flowering stage automatically, usually after three to four weeks of growth. This independence from light schedules simplifies the growing process and makes autoflower seeds suitable for various lighting conditions.

Suitable for Various Environments

Autoflower seeds are highly adaptable, thriving in a wide range of environments. These plants can grow in both indoor and outdoor settings, as well as in different climates. Their hardiness and ability to withstand various conditions make autoflower seeds an attractive option for growers with diverse growing preferences and locations.

Multiple Harvests in One Season

Thanks to their fast growth rate and independence from light schedules, autoflower seeds allow for multiple harvests in a single growing season. This feature enables growers to maximize their yield and enjoy a continuous supply of cannabis throughout the year.

In conclusion, the unique features of autoflower seeds make them a popular choice for many growers. Their small size, fast growth rate, and adaptability to various environments provide numerous benefits, ensuring a successful and satisfying growing experience.

Advantages of Autoflower Seeds

Autoflower seeds offer several advantages that make them an ideal choice for both beginner and experienced growers. These benefits include ease of growth, faster growth cycles, versatility in growing environments, and a higher resistance to pests and diseases.

Easier to grow for beginners

One of the primary advantages of autoflower seeds is that they are relatively easy to grow, making them an excellent choice for beginners. This is because autoflowering plants do not rely on changes in light cycles to trigger their flowering phase. Instead, they automatically transition from the vegetative to the flowering stage based on age. This eliminates the need for growers to control light schedules, making it easier for first-time cannabis cultivators to succeed.

Shorter growth cycle

Another benefit of autoflower seeds is their shorter growth cycle compared to traditional photoperiod plants. Autoflowering cannabis plants typically take between 8 to 12 weeks from seed to harvest, whereas photoperiod plants can take anywhere from 12 to 20 weeks. This shorter growth cycle allows growers to produce multiple harvests in a single growing season, increasing overall yields and efficiency.

Indoor and outdoor growth compatibility

Autoflowering plants are highly adaptable and can be grown both indoors and outdoors. Their smaller size and faster growth cycle make them an ideal choice for indoor cultivation, where space is often limited. Additionally, because they are not dependent on light cycles, autoflowering plants can be grown outdoors in regions with fluctuating or unpredictable daylight hours. This versatility makes autoflower seeds a popular choice for growers in various environments.

Higher resistance to pests and diseases

Due to their ruderalis genetics, autoflowering plants have a natural resistance to pests and diseases. These hardy plants can better withstand common cannabis pests, such as spider mites and aphids, as well as fungal diseases like powdery mildew and bud rot. This resilience makes autoflower seeds an attractive option for growers looking for a low-maintenance and robust cannabis strain.

How to Maximize Your Autoflower Yield

Maximizing your autoflower yield is essential to get the most out of your investment in premium quality autoflower seeds from Original Johnny Seed Bank. By following these tips, you can ensure a successful and bountiful harvest.

Plan Ahead

Before planting your autoflower seeds, it’s important to plan ahead. This includes choosing the right strain based on your desired outcomes, understanding the growth cycle, and preparing your growing space. By having a clear plan in place, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure a more efficient and productive growing experience.

Choose a Container That Drains Well

Proper drainage is essential for the healthy growth of your autoflower plants. Excess water can lead to root rot and other issues, so it’s crucial to select a container with ample drainage holes. This allows excess water to escape and ensures that your plant’s roots have access to the necessary oxygen.

Reduce Nutrients

Autoflower plants typically require fewer nutrients than their photoperiod counterparts. Overfeeding can cause nutrient burn, which can harm your plants and reduce your yield. Monitor the nutrient levels carefully and adjust them as needed to prevent overfeeding and maintain optimal plant health.

Monitor the pH Levels

Keeping an eye on the pH levels of your growing medium is crucial for your autoflower plants to thrive. A pH imbalance can cause nutrient lockout, which prevents your plants from absorbing the essential nutrients they need for proper growth. Regularly testing the pH levels and making necessary adjustments can help you maintain a thriving environment for your autoflower plants.

Use Proper Training Techniques

Training techniques like low-stress training (LST) and topping can help to maximize your autoflower yield by encouraging lateral growth and creating a more even canopy. This allows for more efficient light distribution and a higher yield potential. Keep in mind that autoflower plants have a limited vegetative growth period, so it’s essential to implement these techniques early in the plant’s life cycle for the best results.

By following these tips and investing in premium quality autoflower seeds from Original Johnny Seed Bank, you can maximize your yield and enjoy a successful and satisfying growing experience.

Choosing the Best Autoflower Seed Bank

When searching for the best autoflower seed bank, there are several factors to consider to ensure a successful and satisfying growing experience. The most crucial aspects include the reputation of the seed bank, the variety of strains offered, exceptional customer service, and adherence to the Farm Bill compliance and return policies.

The reputation of Original Johnny Seed Bank

One of the primary factors to consider when choosing an autoflower seed bank is its reputation. Original Johnny Seed Bank has a strong reputation for providing high-quality seeds, carefully selected and cultivated to ensure optimal growth and yield. By choosing JG Seeds, you can trust that you’ll have a successful and satisfying growing experience.

Variety of strains offered by JG Seeds

The variety of strains offered by a seed bank is another essential factor. JG Seeds offers a diverse range of autoflower strains to cater to different preferences and needs. Whether you prefer indica, sativa, or hybrid varieties, you’ll find the perfect seeds to suit your desired effects and flavors.

Exceptional customer service

Customer service plays a significant role in the overall experience with a seed bank. JG Seeds prides itself on offering exceptional customer service to address any queries or concerns you may have. Their team of passionate cannabis enthusiasts is always available to assist you in making informed decisions and ensuring a smooth purchasing process.

Return policy and Farm Bill compliance

Lastly, it’s crucial to select a seed bank that adheres to the Farm Bill compliance and offers a reliable return policy. All seeds sold by JG Seeds contain less than 0.2% THC and are in compliance with the 2018 Farm Bill, ensuring that you can legally purchase and grow these seeds without any worries. Moreover, their return policy guarantees customer satisfaction and protection in case of any issues with your order.

In conclusion, by considering these essential factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing the best autoflower seed bank. Original Johnny Seed Bank stands out as a reliable and reputable choice, offering a wide variety of premium-quality autoflower seeds, exceptional customer service, and adherence to compliance and return policies.

Popular Autoflower Strains from Original Johnny Seed Bank

Original Johnny Seed Bank offers a diverse selection of premium quality autoflower seeds, catering to various preferences and needs. In this section, we will highlight five popular strains, providing insight into their unique features and qualities.

Gorilla Glue Autoflower Seeds

One of the most sought-after strains, Gorilla Glue Autoflower Seeds, is known for its high THC content, providing potent effects. This strain is ideal for those seeking relaxation and pain relief. With a robust growth pattern and resilience to pests, Gorilla Glue is a perfect choice for both novice and experienced growers alike.

Granddaddy Purple Autoflower Seeds

Originating from California, Granddaddy Purple Autoflower Seeds is a popular Indica-dominant strain. It is well-regarded for its calming and sedative effects, making it an excellent choice for unwinding after a long day. The plant produces dense, purple buds with a sweet, fruity aroma, making it a favorite among cannabis enthusiasts.

Bruce Banner Autoflower Cannabis Seeds

Bruce Banner Autoflower Cannabis Seeds is a Sativa-dominant hybrid known for its uplifting and energizing effects. This strain can help boost creativity and focus, making it an ideal choice for daytime use. With high THC levels and a relatively short growth cycle, Bruce Banner is a popular choice among growers.

OG Kush Auto Feminized Seeds

OG Kush Auto Feminized Seeds is a classic strain that has gained popularity due to its potent effects and unique flavor profile. This Indica-dominant strain is known for its relaxing and euphoric effects, making it an excellent choice for those seeking relief from stress and anxiety. As a feminized autoflower variety, it guarantees a higher yield of female plants and requires minimal maintenance.

White Widow Strain Autoflowering Marijuana Seeds

A well-known strain in the cannabis community, White Widow Autoflowering Marijuana Seeds, is a balanced hybrid that offers a blend of uplifting and relaxing effects. This strain is known for its resinous buds, making it an excellent choice for those interested in cannabis concentrates. With a relatively short growth cycle and impressive yield, White Widow is a popular choice for both novice and experienced growers.

These popular strains are just a few examples of the high-quality autoflower seeds available at Original Johnny Seed Bank. By choosing JG Seeds, you can experience premium quality and enjoy a successful and satisfying growing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions about Autoflower Seeds

As you explore the world of autoflower seeds, it’s natural to have questions about their growth, yield, and potential drawbacks. In this section, we address some of the most frequently asked questions to help you make an informed decision.

How long do autoflower seeds take from start to finish?

Autoflower seeds typically take between 8 to 12 weeks from germination to harvest. The exact time depends on the strain and growing conditions. Some strains may mature faster, while others may take longer to reach their full potential.

What is the quickest autoflower from seed to harvest?

The quickest autoflower strains can be ready for harvest in as little as 7 weeks from germination. However, the majority of strains will require a few more weeks to reach their optimal maturity. It’s essential to choose a strain that aligns with your growing needs and preferences for the best results.

What is the biggest yield autoflower seed?

The yield of an autoflower seed varies depending on the strain and growing conditions. Some high-yielding autoflower strains can produce up to 600 grams per square meter indoors or up to 300 grams per plant outdoors. To achieve these results, it’s crucial to provide your plants with the right nutrients, light, and care throughout their growth.

What are the disadvantages of autoflower seeds?

While autoflower seeds offer many advantages, there are some drawbacks to consider. The primary disadvantage is that they may produce smaller yields compared to photoperiod strains due to their shorter growth cycle. Additionally, autoflower plants typically have less time to recover from stress or damage during their growth, which could affect their overall health and yield.

How much yield can I get from autoflower seeds?

The yield from autoflower seeds depends on various factors, including the strain, growing conditions, and care provided. Generally, autoflower plants produce smaller yields compared to their photoperiod counterparts. However, with proper care and attention, you can still achieve impressive results from your autoflower plants.

Experience Premium Quality with Autoflower Seeds

When it comes to growing cannabis, choosing the right seed bank is crucial for ensuring a successful harvest. At Original Johnny Seed Bank, we are committed to providing premium quality autoflower seeds that not only offer top-tier quality but also cater to different preferences and needs. In this section, we will discuss how Original Johnny Seed Bank ensures top-tier quality, offers a wide variety of strains, and provides a convenient and user-friendly purchasing process.

Ensuring Top-Tier Quality and Consistent Results

Original Johnny Seed Bank takes pride in offering only the highest quality seeds sourced from reputable breeders. We carefully select and cultivate each seed to ensure optimal growth and yield. Moreover, our seeds are known for their high germination rates and potent genetics, ensuring that you can expect consistent results with every grow.

Wide Variety of Strains for Different Preferences and Needs

At Original Johnny Seed Bank, we understand that each grower has unique preferences and needs. That’s why we offer a diverse range of autoflower strains, including indica, sativa, and hybrid varieties. This wide variety allows you to explore and experiment with different flavors, effects, and growing characteristics, ensuring that you’ll find the perfect seeds to suit your preferences and needs.

Convenient and User-Friendly Purchasing Process

Original Johnny Seed Bank’s user-friendly interface and easy purchasing process make it convenient for you to find and purchase your desired seeds. Our website provides filters to help you refine your search based on specific criteria such as seed type and strain. With just a few clicks, you can effortlessly find and add your desired seeds to your cart. Additionally, we offer a secure and discreet shipping process, ensuring that your premium quality seeds are delivered right to your doorstep.

In conclusion, Original Johnny Seed Bank is your go-to choice for experiencing premium quality with autoflower seeds. Start your growing journey today and join our community of satisfied customers who enjoy exceptional customer service and top-tier seeds. Visit JG Seeds’ online shop and don’t miss out on our monthly giveaway and a 10% discount on your first order. Remember to consult with a physician before using any hemp products and comply with relevant laws concerning hemp in your jurisdiction.

Embrace the JG Seeds Difference

After exploring the unique features and benefits of autoflower seeds, it’s clear that Original Johnny Seed Bank offers a premium quality experience for cannabis enthusiasts. By choosing JG Seeds, you’ll have access to a wide variety of high-quality autoflower seeds, ensuring a successful and satisfying growing journey. With a user-friendly interface and exceptional customer service, JG Seeds is dedicated to helping you find the perfect seeds to suit your preferences and needs.

Ready to embark on your growing adventure? Visit JG Seeds’ online shop and don’t forget to take advantage of their monthly giveaway and a 10% discount on your first order. Experience the premium quality of JG Seeds and join the community of satisfied customers today.