Increase Cannabis Yield: Boost Results with the Scrogging Technique - The Johnny Seeds Bank Skip to main content
Scrogging Technique

Welcome to the exciting world of scrogging! So, what is scrogging? Scrogging, or Screen of Green, is a popular cannabis cultivation technique designed to maximize yield by creating an even canopy of buds. In a world where the demand for high-quality cannabis is constantly growing, it’s important to find efficient ways to increase yield without compromising quality. That’s where this blog comes in – we aim to provide you with a concise guide on how to implement the scrogging technique and elevate your cannabis game.

Benefits of Scrogging

Let’s talk about the perks of scrogging. First and foremost, it’s all about increasing your yield. Who doesn’t want more buds? Scrogging helps you achieve that by training your plants to grow horizontally, creating an even canopy of buds that receive optimal light exposure. This leads to our second benefit: improved light distribution.

When plants grow in a traditional, vertical manner, the lower buds don’t receive as much light, resulting in smaller, less potent flowers. Scrogging ensures that all buds get their fair share of light, maximizing their potential. Cha-ching!

Thirdly, scrogging is an efficient use of space. It’s perfect for small grow rooms or tight spaces where vertical growth is limited. By training your plants to grow horizontally, you can make the most of the available space. Plus, it looks pretty cool!

Last but not least, scrogging promotes healthier plants. By creating an even canopy, you allow for better airflow and light penetration, reducing the risk of mold, pests, and other issues. Happy plants produce better buds, and that’s what it’s all about!

Setting Up a Scrog System

Ready to set up your own scrog system? Let’s dive in! First, gather your materials. You’ll need:

  • Screen or netting: Choose a sturdy material with holes large enough for your plants to grow through.
  • Frame for support: This can be a simple PVC pipe or wooden frame, depending on your preferences and budget.
  • Ties or clips: These are used to secure the screen to the frame and to help train your plants to grow through the screen.

Once you have your materials, it’s time to choose the right screen size. Consider the size of your grow space and the number of plants you plan to grow. A general rule of thumb is to allow about 1 square foot of screen per plant.

Now, let’s talk spacing. Proper spacing between plants is crucial for optimal light distribution and airflow. Aim for about 6-12 inches between plants, depending on the size and strain of your cannabis plants.

Finally, secure the screen to the frame using your ties or clips. Make sure it’s tight and sturdy, as it will need to support the weight of your plants as they grow. And there you have it – your very own scrog system, ready to boost your cannabis yield!

Implementing the Scrogging Technique

You’ve got your scrog system set up, so now what? It’s time to implement the scrogging technique! Let’s start with timing. The best time to begin scrogging is when your plants have developed a strong root system and have reached about 12 inches in height. This ensures they’re strong enough to handle the training process.

Next, let’s talk training. There are two main methods for training your plants in a scrog system:

  • Topping: This involves cutting the main stem of your plant just above a node, promoting the growth of two new main stems. This encourages horizontal growth and helps create an even canopy.
  • Low-stress training (LST): LST involves gently bending and securing your plant’s branches to encourage them to grow horizontally. This method is less invasive than topping and can be started earlier in the plant’s life.

Once you’ve trained your plants, it’s time to weave them through the screen. Gently guide the branches through the holes, being careful not to damage the stems. This process may take a bit of patience, but it’s worth it for the end result!

As your plants grow, you may need to adjust the screen height to maintain an even canopy. Keep an eye on your plants and make adjustments as needed to ensure optimal light distribution and airflow.

Maintenance and Harvesting

With your scrog system in place, it’s time to focus on maintenance and eventually, harvesting. First up: pruning and defoliating. Regularly remove dead or yellowing leaves, and trim any branches that aren’t receiving enough light. This helps maintain an even canopy and ensures that energy is directed towards bud production.

Monitoring plant health is crucial. Keep an eye out for signs of pests, mold, or nutrient deficiencies. Addressing these issues promptly will keep your plants healthy and thriving, leading to a bountiful harvest.

Speaking of harvest, here are some tips and tricks to ensure you get the most out of your scrogged plants:

  • Be patient: Wait until your buds are fully mature before harvesting. This ensures maximum potency and flavor.
  • Flush your plants: Before harvest, flush your plants with plain water for a week or two. This removes any leftover nutrients and improves the taste of your buds.
  • Harvest in stages: Since scrogging creates an even canopy, you may find that all your buds mature at the same time. Harvesting in stages can make the process more manageable and less overwhelming.

With proper maintenance and care, your scrogged plants will reward you with an impressive yield and top-quality cannabis.

Common Scrogging Mistakes to Avoid

Scrogging can be incredibly rewarding, but it’s not without its challenges. To help you on your journey, here are some common scrogging mistakes to avoid:

Overcrowding: Resist the temptation to cram too many plants into your grow space. Proper spacing is key for optimal light distribution and airflow. Remember, less can be more when it comes to scrogging.

Inadequate light: Scrogging relies on even light distribution to produce a bountiful harvest. Ensure your grow lights are powerful enough and properly positioned to provide the necessary coverage for your entire canopy.

Not providing enough support: Your screen needs to be sturdy enough to support the weight of your plants as they grow. Make sure it’s properly secured to your frame, and don’t be afraid to add additional support if needed.

Neglecting to prune and defoliate: Regular maintenance is essential for a successful scrog. Stay on top of pruning and defoliating to ensure your plants can direct energy towards bud production and maintain an even canopy.

Avoiding these common mistakes will help you achieve scrogging success and maximize your cannabis yield.


As we wrap up, let’s recap the benefits of scrogging. This technique is all about increasing yield, improving light distribution, making efficient use of space, and promoting healthier plants. It’s an excellent method for both beginners and experienced cannabis growers alike.

We encourage you to experiment with scrogging and see the difference it can make in your cannabis yield. Remember, practice makes perfect, and every grow is an opportunity to learn and refine your skills.

Lastly, the cannabis community thrives on the sharing of knowledge and cultivation techniques. So, don’t be shy – share your scrogging experiences and tips with fellow enthusiasts. Together, we can continue to elevate the art of cannabis cultivation. And don’t forget to check out our website for more tips, tricks, and quality cannabis products. Happy growing!


Garden Guru